Ukrainian armed forces plan to deliver the main blow of their offensive in the Svetlodarsk salient area, LPR People’s Militia official spokesperson Ivan Filiponenko said.

He told journalists that Ukrainian forces had performed a reconnaissance in the area under command of the JFO commander Alexander Pavlyuk.

"Our agent says that the enemy has chosen this area to deliver the main blow of the Sever (North) Combined Task Force to cut through our defence, block transport routes between the Republics and to proceed with further offensive deep into our defence along the flanks," Filiponenko said.

According to the source, 30th, 17th and 95th brigades supported by artillery of the 26th brigade will be sent to breach the LPR defence.
"The second wave will comprise 17th brigade minus two battalions and 81st airmobile brigade in reserve of the JFO commander," he added.

The members of the Contact Group have announced ceasefire more than 20 times since the autumn of 2014. Kiev forces regularly violated the truce opening fire with large caliber artillery, mortars and tank guns which were to have been withdrawn in accordance with the Minsk agreements.

The Ukrainian government launched the so-called anti-terrorist operation against Donbass in April 2014. Conflict settlement relies on the Package of Measures for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements, signed on February 12, 2015 in the Belarussian capital by the Contact Group members and coordinated by the Normandy Four heads of states (Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine). The document provides for ceasefire and withdrawal of heavy weapons from the contact line. *t