LPR has initiated an emergency meeting of the security subgroup, said the Republic's Foreign Minister Vladislav Deinego.

Ukraine detained an LPR Officer affiliated with the JCCC Mission on October 13.

"In this regard, we have called an emergency meeting of the Contact Group's security subgroup to be held on October 19 at 1 p.m. to find a decision on the liberation of our observer as a step to reinstall trust and find ways to provide security of LPR and DPR observers at the contact line in future."

The request for a meeting has been filed with the OSCE SMM head in Ukraine and coordinator of the security subgroup Ambassador Yaşar Halit Çevik.

LPR Mission to the JCCC limited a number of routes available for the OSCE SMM until the kidnapped LPR officer Andrey Kosyak is liberated from Ukrainian captivity, the head of the LPR Mission Michael Filiponenko said earlier.

Ukrainian army's saboteurs captured a representative of the LPR Mission to the JCCC Andrey Kosyak in the Zolotoye security zone on October 13. The Ukrainian delegation in the Contact Group claimed that “the LPR officers at the JCCC were reconnoitring abandoned Ukrainian positions under the guise of a mine clearance operation.”

The LPR demanded that Kiev immediately release Kosyak. LPR Head Leonid Pasechnik said that further dialogue with Kiev within the Minsk format made no sense until the LPR officer is liberated. *t