The LPR Mission to the JCCC can not guarantee the safety of the OSCE SMM patrols in the Zolotoye area because of Ukrainian forces presence, the mission's head Michael Filiponenko said.

"At the moment, the Ukrainian side has unilaterally occupied positions in the disengagement zone No.2. Ukrainian armed forces are present in the areas, and it is documented in multiple OSCE reports," he said.

"This passage (area) is unsafe for SMM patrols," Filiponenko emphasised.

He reminded that earlier SMM rotated its staff using a road in the vicinity of Zolotoye, and an LPR officer Andrey Kosyak was kidnapped by Ukrainian forces on the same road on October 13.

The SMM reported Ukrainian presence in the disengagement zone more than 120 times.

"The existing limitations are only based on safety concerns related to the Mission itself. We provide them a safe passage towards Schastye, where delivery of humanitarian goods takes place, and via the Stanitsa Luganskaya checkpoint as well," Filiponenko said.

Ukrainian army's saboteurs captured a representative of the LPR Mission to the JCCC Andrey Kosyak in the Zolotoye security zone on October 13. The LPR demanded that Kiev immediately release Kosyak. LPR Head Leonid Pasechnik said that further dialogue with Kiev within the Minsk format made no sense until the LPR officer is liberated. *t