Lugansk People’s Republic government chairman Sergey Kozlov has handed in an order and a badge of honor to guests from Russia and the United States who took part in the international conference “Traditional Donbass Religions Against Extremism and Neo-Nazism.”

The LPR Head has awarded the Order of Friendship to mufti Albir Krganov, head of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia and a Russian Public Chamber member for special services in strengthening peace, friendship, cooperation and mutual understanding between peoples, fruitful activity in cultural rapprochement and enrichment and provision of humanitarian aid in developing traditional religions in the Republic. A badge of honor was handed in to coordinator of Harriet Tubman Centre for Social Justice John Parker, one of the leaders of the Socialist Unity Party of the USA.

Krganov thanked representatives of the LPR authorities and social and religious organizations for the work they are doing in such a difficult time for the Republic.

“The believers, citizens of our country show sympathy for the woes the Lugansk land has been experiencing since 2014,” he said. “People gather aid absolutely sincerely; people want to be involved. Spiritual warmth, heartfelt compassion and the ability to show empathy to people who find themselves in this situation today indicate that we have not lost our humanness.”

The mufti expressed the hope that Donbass would begin to live in peace in the near future.

“I feel one with the people who lives here, with brothers representing religious communities who fight against Nazism,” Parker said. “I’m striving for both Americans and Russian to live as one big family.”

Kozlov said that the Republic’s defenders are upholding the values which are traditional for the Russian people, which are challenged by “the forces of evil.”

“We are strong in unity and we are strong in truth; our enemy has no chances so the victory will be ours,” he said.

Some 50 representatives of faiths from the LPR, the DPR and Russia took part in the conference “Traditional Donbass Religions Against Extremism and Neo-Nazism” held in Lugansk. *i*s