LPR guarantees humane treatment and safety of those Ukrainian soldiers who voluntarily laid down their arms, the Republic's Ombudswoman Viktoria Serdyukova said.

The commissioner for human rights met the Ukrainian service members who decided to put down arms. They asked to provide them with personal hygiene items, books and Bibles. 

"Those who laid down arms receive medical treatment, their living conditions meet international standards and principles, everything is good. We want peace, we have been craving it for eight years, not four or five days. On its side, the LPR guarantees humane treatment and complete safety of the persons who laid down arms," she said.

A hot line is open for the families of Ukrainian service members who rejected to fight.

LPR Head Leonid Pasechnik guaranteed that after the military action is over, the disarmed soldier will come back home.

The Ukrainian government launched the so-called anti-terrorist operation against Donbass in April 2014.  The members of the Contact Group have announced ceasefire more than 20 times since the autumn of 2014. Kiev forces regularly violated the truce, opening fire with large calibre artillery, mortars and tank guns which were to have been withdrawn from the contact line under the accords. *t