The Lugansk People’s Republic has information on more than 2,000 civilians who got killed or went missing as a result of Kiev forces’ aggression, said LPR First Deputy Foreign Minister Anna Soroka who heads the inter-departmental working group on the search for burial sites of Ukrainian aggression victims, their identification and perpetration of their memory.

“The figure regarding the number of killed civilians remains the same,” Soroka said at a press briefing at the Lugansk Media Centre. “We say that the civilians who got killed or are missing number over 2,000; these include 35 killed children. We cannot currently estimate how many people were buried in mass graves.”

As many as 1,648 people were “officially confirmed dead,” Soroka said.

“It is the confirmed list of civilians including those who spontaneously took up arms as the enemy approached. According to the information available to law-enforcement bodies and activists, we believe that another 500 people are among the missing or in mass graves. For example, 300 to 500 people are interred in our mass grave “We Won’t Forget, We Won’t Forgive.” So this figure is justified,” the LPR deputy foreign minister said.

Earlier on Tuesday, she said that the exhumation of Kiev aggression victims would begin in the Sabovka village, Slavyanoserbrsk district, on August 11.

Soroka had also said that the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics would jointly look for the graves of Ukrainian aggression victims. *i*s