The Lugansk People’s Republic People’s Council (parliament) has approved the law “On the System of Election Commissions, Commissions of a Referendum in the Lugansk People’s Republic.”   The law, drawn at the instruction of LRP Acting Head Leonid Pasechnik, sets the procedure for forming election and referendum commissions, vesting powers in them and organizing their work in the LPR territory to prepare elections and referenda of various levels, said LPR leader’s representative in parliament Nina Galan.   “It regulates the activities of the commissions which operate under Article 28 of the federal law “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Participate in a Referendum,” she added.    Elections commissions are formed by the LPR parliament and LPR Head, based on the proposals of political parties, public associations, the Russian Central Election Commission, the previous LPR Election Commission and municipal bodies.   The law sets out powers and duties of election commission members.   The Republic’s 1st Election Commission is formed for a term of five years and includes 12 members. The same term of office is set for territorial and district election commissions.   Election commission’s activities such as preparations for the elections/referenda, vote count and announcing voting results are transparent and open to the public.   The Lugansk People’s Republic will hold parliamentary and local elections in September 2023.   The LPR acceded to Russia on September 30, 2022 following the unification referendum.*i*v