The Lugansk People’s Republic Supreme Court has sentenced a resident of Lugansk to 12 years in prison and property confiscation for high treason, the LPR Prosecutor General’s Office press service reported.

“The man, recruited by agents of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), recorded the position of LPR militia units and the movement of military equipment to pass the information to foreign intelligence,” the PGO said. SBU agents paid him by providing unhindered passage of his goods through the checkpoint which had operated in the Stanitsa Luganskaya township.

“A prosecutor of the PGO Department for supervision of compliance with the law by army units and state security bodies supported the indictment in the criminal case over high treason. The LPR Supreme Court found the defendant guilty and sentenced him to 12 years and all property confiscation,” the PGO said adding that the man pleaded guilty to the charges and repented his crime.

The PGO Department for supervision of compliance with the law in the military sphere supported the prosecutors for the state in 40 criminal cases over espionage and high treason which were tried at the Supreme Court in 2020-2022. *t