Russia’s Novosibirsk region plans to repair 37 infrastructure facilities in the Belovodsk district of the Lugansk People’s Republic in 2023, a local official told the Lugansk Media Center.   “We plan repairs of 37 facilities in 2023 as part of the cooperation agreement with the Novosibirsk region,” director of the district housing and utilities department Sergey Deineko said.   Cell phone towers and complete preparation of classrooms for the Unified State Exam (EGE) are among the five completed projects. Repairs of schools and kindergartens will be launched after the end of the schoolyear, he said.   “A majority of the 37 facilities are schools. We can begin their complete renovation only after the end of the school year, and plan to finish it by September 1,” the official said.   Earlier, Novosibirsk region authorities said that repairs would be carried on 82 facilities in the Belovodsk district. The Novosibirsk Region Ministry for Digital Development and Communications sent 2G and 4G mobile base station equipment sets to the Belovodsk district.   In 2022, Novosibirsk region specialists helped prepare 49 facilities for the heating season in the district.   The Novosibirsk region began to provide assistance to the Belovodsk district in late May 2022. It sent 450 tons of relief supplies there in the period from June through early November, 2022.   The Lugansk People’s Republic acceded to Russia on September 30, 2022 following the unification referendum. *i*ie