Lugansk People’s Republic Acting Head Leonid Pasechnik has posthumously awarded LPR servicemen from the Slavyanoserbsk district killed in the line of duty, local authorities said.   “On January 12, Slavyanoserbsk district administration head Sergey Kramarenko, on behalf of LPR Acting Head Leonid Pasechnik, handed in state decorations to relatives of the killed militiamen,” the local officials said.   Sergeant Vyacheslav Kuznetsov and Privates Sergey Dorda and Sergey Kiryanov were posthumously awarded with the medal “For Courage” for heroism and decisive actions in liberating and defending LPR and DPR settlements from Ukrainian armed aggression.   It’s very difficult to find the right words for the people who have lost their kin in the war. The sons, fathers, husbands and brothers who sacrificed their lives are true heroes for everybody and an example to follow for future generations,” Kramarenko said.  “We’ll always be grateful to those who stood up to defend the Motherland and put up a courageous fight giving their health even lives. We’ll never forget our heroic fellow countrymen; their courage and strength will always be exemplary.”   Slavyanoserbsk district military commissar Sergey Moiseyenko conveyed his condolences to the families of the killed servicemen noting that their feats would be remembered. The families thanked the district officials for caring and supporting them.   The Ukrainian government launched the so-called anti-terrorist operation against Donbass in April 2014.  The peace talks that began soon thereafter failed to reach tangible results due to Kiev’s position to settle the conflict by force.   On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a special military operation to protect Donbass residents from Ukrainian aggression. Prior to that, LPR and DPR Heads Leonid Pasechnik and Denis Pushilin asked the Russian leader to provide military assistance.   The Lugansk People’s Republic acceded to Russia on September 30, 2022 following the unification referendum.*i*v