Lugansk People’s Republic Acting Head Leonid Pasechnik has signed the laws passed by the People’s Council (parliament) on Thursday on creating the LPR government and local self-rule bodies in accordance with Russian norms.   “I’ve just signed the three key laws which complete the legal basis of the Republic’s public administration system as a constituent entity of the Russian Federation,” Pasechnik wrote on Telegram. “Now it fully conforms to the system which operates in other Russian regions.”   The law on government establishes the executive body which will replace the abolished LPR Government and take over its powers, while two other laws set up the local self-rule system and determine staff numbers for them; this creates the legal framework for local self-rule bodies, he said.   “LPR residents will elect deputies to these bodies in September. Joining the single system will simplify the Republic’s interaction with the federal center and other Russian regions and accelerate its socio-economic development and transition to Russian standards in all fields,” the LPR leader said.   On Wednesday, Pasechnik issued the decrees on abolishing the Republic’s executive bodies of state authority, in connection with the LPR entry into Russian legal environment. The LPR is beginning to build its public administration system according to Russian standards, said Head of the LPR leader’s administration Alexey Samoilov in comments on the decrees.   The Lugansk People’s Republic acceded to Russia on September 30, 2022 following the unification referendum.*i*ie