Lugansk People’s Republic authorities and the Headquarters of the Committee of Families of Fatherland Warriors (KSVO) must work on problems of servicemen’s families with maximum effectiveness, LPR Acting Head Leonid Pasechnik said at a meeting with KSVO representatives in Lugansk.   Pasechnik thanked the mothers whose sons were performing their duties as part of the special military operation “to protect the Motherland from Ukrainian Nazism.” The KSVO has complete information on problems experienced by servicemen on the frontline and by those who have returned from the war and need rehabilitation and help to adapt to peaceful life, he said.     “I hope for your assistance; our interaction is very important today,” the LPR leader said.   The assistance to servicemen in finding jobs, rehabilitation and solution of social issues is the task set by President Vladimir Putin in his address to the Federal Assembly, he added.   Pasechnik’s aide Anna Soroka said that the KSVO had been set up “at the instruction and with deep conviction” of the Russian president and that the organization was trying to protect Fatherland defenders and their families from problem situations.   “We have no right to remain uninvolved; we have to make all efforts to let people know where to get information and help, and even understand what problems they might face so that we could easily resolve them before they emerge,” Soroka said.   The Ukrainian government launched the so-called anti-terrorist operation against Donbass in April 2014.  The peace talks that began soon thereafter failed to reach tangible results due to Kiev’s position to settle the conflict by force.   On February 24, 2022 Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a special military operation to protect Donbass residents from Ukrainian aggression. Prior to that, LPR and DPR Heads Leonid Pasechnik and Denis Pushilin asked the Russian leader to provide military assistance.   The Lugansk People’s Republic acceded to Russia on September 30, 2022 following the unification referendum.*i*v