The State Duma lower house of the Russian parliament has approved the 2nd and 3rd readings of the law on termination of Ukrainian citizenship from the date of submission the citizenship renunciation statement to the Interior Ministry, TASS reported.   Starting from that date, “these citizens pledge to refrain from exercising the rights or performing the duties of the Ukrainian citizen as well as from receiving or using the Ukrainian passport or other documents that confirm this citizenship,” the report said.   One of the parents, the only parent or adoptive parent can submit a citizenship renunciation statement on behalf of the child who has not yet reached the age of 14. Renunciation statements for children without parental care including those who permanently stay at an educational or medical institution or organization that provides social services are submitted by guardians or authorized representatives.    The authors of the law said Russian citizens who also have Ukrainian citizenship have no opportunity to withdraw from it for reasons outside their control. At the same time, Ukrainian citizenship is an obstacle in landing jobs at government or municipal bodies.   The Lugansk People’s Republic acceded to Russia on September 30, 2022, based on the results of the unification referendum. On October 4, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the federal constitutional law on “On the Accession of the LPR to Russia and Establishment of a New Federal Subject - Lugansk People's Republic.”  In this connection, citizens of LPR, Ukraine and stateless persons as well as their underage children who permanently resided in the LPR as of that date obtained Russian citizenship.   Earlier, LPR Head Leonid Pasechnik said that in June 2022, more than 284,000 LPR residents had been granted Russian citizenship.   On April, 24, 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree easing citizenship rules for residents of the Lugansk People’s Republic and the Donetsk People’s Republic. The first acceptance facility for Russian citizenship applicants opened in Lugansk on May 6; the first group of LPR residents received Russian passports on June 14. On April 24, 2020, Putin signed a law exempting Donbass Republics residents from paying the state fee for the conferment of citizenship.*i*ie