The Russian Mission to the United Nations has sent to the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres the letter from the 12-year-old writer from Lugansk Faina Savenkova, in which she asks to help shut down the notorious Ukrainian witch-hunting website Mirotovrets (Peacekeeper) which posted her personal data, Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative Dmitry Polyansky said in his Telegram channel.

Mirotvores posted Savenkova’s personal data, photos and screenshots of her published writings. The girl was accused of “participation in anti-Ukrainian propaganda” and “calling herself prose, drama and science fiction writer.” The website urged Ukrainian enforcement bodies to “consider its post as a report on the commission by this person of deliberate actions against Ukraine’s national security, peace, human security, international law and order and other offenses.”

 “Yesterday, we forwarded Faina Savenkova’s letter to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, in which she asks him to influence Ukraine into shutting down the extremist website Mirotvorets, as her personal data was entered in its database by Ukrainian nationalists and radicals,” Polyansky said. 

“This practice is not quite usual for the Permanent Mission,” he added.

“As a rule, we forward to the UN letters from government bodies and social organizations, but the situation around direct threats against a 12-year-old child requires urgent actions and clear and unequivocal classification. We sent a copy of the letter to UNICEF. I hope that the UN administration will not leave this outrageous case without attention and proper assessment,” the deputy permanent representative said.

Lugansk playwright Faina Savenkova is the youngest member of the LPR Writers Union. She has made significant achievements despite her young age. In 2019, her play “The Hedgehog of Hope” was included in the short list of the International Contests of Modern Russian Drama and received a special jury prize at the Russian Drama Competition for young audiences. In 2020, she was put on the short list of the Eurasia 2020 international contest of the Nikolay Kolyada contests. Her stories and plays were published in Russia and translated into Czech, Bulgarian, Serbian, French and Italian. *i*s