Фото: Администрация Славяносербского района
Фото: Администрация Славяносербского района
Фото: Администрация Славяносербского района
Фото: Администрация Славяносербского района

Residents of the Slavyanoserbsk township have venerated the memory of the people killed in the first Kiev army artillery attack on the settlement, local authorities said.

“Slavyanoserbsk residents Vladimir Solovyov and Sergeio Pryadko were killed in the Ukrainian punitive operation against civilians in November 2014,” said district head Sergei Kramarenko at the commemorative action on Friday which marked the 9th anniversary of the attack.

The event was also attended by LPR parliamentarian Svetlana Gizai, district council chairperson Antonina Grechishkina and United Russia party activists.

The participants observed a minute of silence in memory of the victims and laid flowers at their portraits.*i*sb