Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance squad has kidnapped another LPR service man, the representative of the Republic's Defence Ivan Filiponenko said.

"On December 27, a Ukrainian sabotage squad of the Special Task Force kidnapped an LPR service member in violation of the active agreements," he said.
"Signs of a struggle and blood stains have been discovered" at the site where the service member went missing.

"It proves that violence was used against him," Filiponenko said.

"According to information available to us, the kidnapped is being subjected to physical and psychological pressure; illegal medications are being used to make him provide false testimony in order to establish an evidentiary record to justify the actions of Ukrainian fighters."

Filiponenko added that the accident follows the pattern of the previous kidnapping of an LPR officer, Andrey Kosyak.

"Both cases and this new kidnapping became possible because of the OSCE idleness and absence of due reaction from the Mission's leadership. We call on the international monitors to document the flagrant violation of the truce, which resulted in the kidnapping of an LPR service member, and to assist his return," the spokesman said.

Ukrainian army's saboteurs captured a representative of the LPR Mission to the JCCC Andrey Kosyak in the Zolotoye security zone on October 13. The LPR demanded that Kiev immediately release Kosyak. LPR Head Leonid Pasechnik said that further dialogue with Kiev within the Minsk format made no sense until the LPR officer is liberated. *t