Фото: Администрация президента России

Russian President Vladimir Putin has noted the importance of volunteers from all over the country’s taking part in environmental projects in the new territories.

“It is important that environmental and outreach projects and the revival of war-damaged national parks, preserves and ecology systems involve not only Novorossiya and Donbass volunteers but also activists from many towns and settlements of our big united country,” Putin said in a message to participants of the 1st all-Russian Dokuchayevsk Conference.

The modernization of industrial companies and infrastructure and effective management of water and forest resources in the new regions is a priority in building a peaceful life there, the president said.

Deputy Prime Minister Viktoria Abranchenka called for applying uniform environmental standards to the new regions.

The environmental situation in the new regions is tense as the unique local ecosystems have been neglected over the past three decades. More than 50 events promoting careful attitude to environment and support for national environmental actions have been planned, she said.


The 1st Dokuchayevsk Conference is taking place in Rostov-on-Don on November 9-10. It is attended by Russian Acasdemy of Sciences representatives, officials from dedicated agencies, environmental experts of federal and regional levels and volunteers from all Russian regions. The participants will discuss enviornmental problems of Donbass and Novorossiya and possible solutions.*i*sb