Lugansk People’s Republic residents have joined the international action “Great Patriotic War History Test,” said Lugansk People’s Republic Head Leonid Pasechnik.
 “LPR parliamentarians, civil servants, non-profit organization personnel and university students answered 40 questions related to  Great Patriotic War events,” Pasechnik wrote on his Telegram channel in comments on the action which is taking place in and outside Russia ahead of Day of Unknown Soldier.
It is supported by the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs and involves the Russian Military-Historical Society.
 “The test is not just a measure of your knowledge of the history of our great country. It helps preserve the memory about the feat of our forefathers and our people who showed exemplary steadfastness, courage and unity to the whole world in the most difficult days,” the LPR leader said.  ”The memory of what they had to go through to defeat the enemy helps us today to defend our land from Neo-Nazis. We, the successors of Great Patriotic War heroes will certainly win!”*i