Kiev forces delivered 15 artillery strikes at the Lugansk People’s Republic in October killing one person and wounding another 13, LPR ombudsperson Viktoria Serdyukova said on her Telegram channel.
“Fifteen attacks were launched on eight LPR settlements in the period from October 1 through October 31, in which one person was killed, 13 were wounded and 72 civil infrastructure facilities were damaged or destroyed,” Serdyukova said.
On October 5,  a 70-year-old man was injured in an UXO incident in Lisichansk. In a similar incident on October 20, an 11-year-old child was injured in Severodonetsk’s Sinetsky neighborhood.
“The figures can actually be larger because the information from areas which are regularly shelled by Ukrainian armed formations only comes after fact-finding inspections and is included in subsequent updates,” the ombudsperson said.
There is information on a Kiev attack on the LPR in September 2023 that has not been covered by mass media outlets, she said adding that a 15-year-old girl was wounded in the shelling.   According to Serdyukova’s preliminary information, six LPR residents were killed and another 34 were wounded in Kiev army attacks on the Republic in September.*i