Donbass Republics will be grateful to Russia if it provides certain weapons in case of Ukrainian aggression, the LPR Head Leonid Pasechnik said.

The First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council and Secretary of the General Council of United Russia Andrey Turchak said earlier on Wednesday that Russia should provide military assistance to the Donbass Republics.

"If Ukrainian leadership do not come to their senses, we will obviously need support. If Russia provides it, we will be grateful to this brotherly country."

He noted that in these challenging times, with an escalation along the line of contact, and the abduction of residents, and the continuous amassing of troops and equipment by Ukraine in the front-line territories, and a growing number of cases of sending Western instructors to the zone of the so-called joint forces operation, "Russia again does not abandon the inhabitants of Donbass alone with the enemy.

“Over the almost eight years of the war in Donbass, the military of the LPR and the DPR, having improved their combat level, certainly learned to immaculately repel the enemy’s aggression, skilfully respond to its provocations,” the head of the Republic said.

"Kiev's beloved "overseas partners" supply "the independent country" with military aid in huge volumes, while the largest share of the equipment in service in the armies of Lugansk and Donetsk is trophy, obtained in battles over  our cities and villages with the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 2014-2015."

Pasechnik highlighted that the residents of the Republic "should be ready for any scenario."

“But at the same time, we do not lose hope that Kiev will finally understand that the key to all problems is the implementation of the Minsk Agreements. No one needs a war in Donbass: neither the residents of the LPR and the DPR, nor the Ukrainians themselves, whose standard of living is rapidly falling each year as the armed conflict in the south-east of the country continues," the LPR Head said.

A new round of escalation in Donbass began in late 2021, as Ukraine and some Western countries alleged that Russia is amassing troops on the borer with Ukraine. 

Moscow has repeatedly denied any such plans, persistently calling for negotiations and peaceful settlement of the Ukraine-Donbass conflict. 

Recent intelligence reports cited by the LPR and DPR People's Militia show that Kiev is deploying additional troops and weapon to the so-called JFO zone in what seems to be an attempt to fuel the crisis. *t