Kiev forces shelled the Lugansk People’s Republic 14 times in November, LPR ombudsperson Viktoria Serdyukova said on her Telegram channel.
“Fourteen attacks on eight LPR settlements were recorded in the period from November 1 through November 30, in which one person was killed, six were wounded and 19 civil infrastructure facilities were damaged or destroyed,” Serdyukova said.
On top of that, a 65-year-old resident of the Prishib village, Slavyanoserbsk district, lost his foot in an UXO incident on the bank of the Seversky Donets river as he was gathering firewood on November 2. Two men, aged 49 and 44, were wounded in UXO incidents on the bank of the Seversky Donets in the Zhyoltoye village area, Slavyanoserbsk district, on November 5 and November 7. LPR parliamentarian Mikhail Filiponenko was killed in a car bomb explosion on November 8. A 45-year old man suffered fatal injuries in a mine explosion on November 10. The incident occurred between the Borovskoye township and the Bobrovo village outside Severodonetsk. A civilian was injured in a mine explosion in the Parkhomenko village, Krasnodon district on November 23, the ombudsperson said.
“The figures can actually be higher because the information from areas which are regularly shelled by Ukrainian armed formations only comes after fact-finding inspections and is included in subsequent updates,” she said. “The facts of Ukrainian armed formations’ crimes against LPR civilians are reported to international human rights organizations.” 
In October, one person was killed and another 13 were wounded in Ukrainian artillery attacks on the LPR, Serdyukova said.*i