The new regions have held the first elections as constituent entities of the Russian Federation at a high  professional level, Central Election Commission Chairperson Ella Pamfilova said at a CEC briefing on Thursday.  
“By all accounts, the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions held the first elections at a very high professional level,” Pamfilova said. “This opinion was also voiced by all international observers; there were more than 30 of them there.” 
  She thanked all observers including international experts who helped monitor the voting.   ***   The first parliamentary and municipal elections in the Lugansk People’s Republic after its accession to Russia took place on September 8 through September 10. Early voting was held on September 1 - 4 at 329 exterritorial venues in 81 Russian regions for residents staying outside the LPR , while on September 2 through 7, it was held for residents living in remote areas or locations where setting up a polling station is not possible.   Voter turnout at the LPR parliamentary election was 72.53 percent. The LPR Election Commission earlier certified the results of the regional parliamentary election which the United Russia party won by a landslide gathering 74.63 percent of votes. *i