Lugansk People’s Republic Head Leonid Pasechnik said that security issues have to be resolved in order to launch railway service between Lugansk and Moscow. The railway which links the two cities runs through the Troitsky district which is located in immediate proximity to the contact line, Pasechnik said at a press conference at the “Russia” exhibition-forum.
“I cannot make this decision right now as I have no right to endanger the lives of LPR residents,” he said adding that many stretches of the railway had become rundown due to a long period of disuse; they are being repaired at present.
“Of course, as soon as our tracks are repaired to meet Russian norms and the security for our trains is ensured, I’ll make the decision and we’ll send our first train to the Moscow city to the sound of the Farewell of Slavianka march,” Pasechnik said.   Lugansk Railways (LZhD) Director Nikolay Baboido earlier told the Lugansk Media Center that a rail link between the Lugansk People’s Republic and Moscow might be a promising project after the end of hostilities.*i