Фото: Луганский Информационный Центр/Марина Сулименко
Фото: Луганский Информационный Центр/Марина Сулименко
Фото: Луганский Информационный Центр/Марина Сулименко
Фото: Луганский Информационный Центр/Марина Сулименко
Фото: Луганский Информационный Центр/Марина Сулименко
The Lugansk People’s Republic parliament has hosted the founding meeting of the Council of LPR Municipalities Association.
It was attended by LPR Head Leonid Pasechnik, Deputy Head of the presidential Domestic Policy Department Yevgeny Grachyov and co-chairpersons of the All-Russia Local Governments Association Irina Guseva and Ruslan Kukharuk.
The heads of the LPR’s 28 municipalizes supported the establishment of the Council electing Alchevsk mayor Albert Apshev the Council chairman and LPR parliamentarian Vladimir Polyakov the executive director.
“The Council will generalize viewpoints, analyze them and select a joint position on all issues,” Pasechnik said. “It will also promote our municipalities’ interests and streamline their interaction with government bodies.”
The participation in the All-Russian Local Governments Association will make this effect stronger, he added.    State governance relies on a strong foundation comprising local self-rule bodies. The Councils of Municipalities are platforms for dialogue to identity problems and find solutions. The experience gained by municipal authorities in the new territories during wartime can be useful, said participants in the meeting.   *** The first local elections in the Lugansk People’s Republic after its accession to Russia took place in all its 28 municipalities on September 8 through September 10.*i