Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and his predecessor Petr Poroshenko “dug an chasm” between Russians and Ukrainians and continue to make it deeper, Lugansk People’s Republic Head Leonid Pasechnik said.

During the YES Brainstorming forum held in Kiev earlier on Thursday, Zelensky spoke about relations between Ukrainians and Russians, calling them a “chasm,” which made the population of Ukraine and Russia enemies.

“Vladimir Alexandrovich, weren’t it you and your predecessor (former Ukrainian president Petr Poroshenko) who dug out this ‘chasm’ and are working hard to make it deeper?” Pasechnik said.

In 2019, Ukrainians voted for Zelensky’s team in the hope that its leader would stop the war in the southeast of the country. However, “the shelling continues and the policy to disunite the people of Ukraine and residents of Donbass and Russia, dictated by oversees partners, remains unchanged,” he said.

“Neither you nor Poroshenko for whom only U.S. military aid, Bandera worship and Donbass war are important, as they are for you, have done anything towards consolidation of Russians and Ukrainians. Speaking on behalf of the people, in your case, is hardly appropriate. We are still brothers and sisters linked by a thousand-year history, common faith and centuries-old traditions. If you have no wish or strength to patch up this “chasm”, we, the Slavs, will do it ourselves,” the LPR leader said. *i*r