Lugansk People’s Republic residents support President Vladimir Putin’s decision to take part in the presidential election in 2024, said LPR Head Leonid Pasechnik.
“Today, Vladimir Putin has given his consent to participate in the presidential election 2024,” Pasechnik wrote on Telegram. “Times differ, but today I’m with the people, said our president. I wish to say on the behalf of the whole Republic that its people are with the President!”
The LPR made its choice back in 2014 and is ready to confirm it. “The Lugansk People’s Republic has always been Russian land, and its residents will always stand in solidarity with the multinational people of Russia. Today, our President is the guarantor of development and forward movement, the guarantor of stability and economic prosperity and the guarantor of Victory. It’s only by consolidating around the President that we can have the whole country united against external threats and for the future of Russia. Donbass is choosing the future,” Pasechnik said.