Lugansk People’s Republic Acting Head Leonid Pasechnik and Central Election Commission Chairperson Ella Pamfilova have met in Lugansk to discuss the upcoming elections to LPR local government bodies in September.    The parties will focus on "ensuring safe voting and training the members of election commissions of all levels,” Pasechnik wrote on Telegram.   “The Republic will have to thwart various kinds of provocations, take preventive measures and be ready for whatever comes,” he said adding that election commission members will have additional training in mid-summer.    Pasechnik said that he would chair a large conference with law-enforcement officials over security issues.   “We’ll work through all issues to hold the elections in accordance with all Russian and international standards. The objective is complete openness and maximum public outreach,” he said.   ***   The Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics and Zaporozhye and Kherson regions will hold elections to legislative bodies on the second Sunday of September 2023, in accordance with the constitutional law on the new regions’ accession to Russia. Central Election Commission chairperson Ella Pamfilova said that the CEC had been making scheduled preparations for elections on the single voting day on September 10.   On January 19, the LPR parliament approved the law on election/referendum commissions in the Republic. The LPR Election Commission was formed on February 28 as its 12 members were approved by the Republic’s parliament and the LPR acting head on parity basis.   In March, LPR parliamentarians passed the law on the establishment of town and municipal districts and their boundaries. The Lugansk People’s Republic Election Commission formed 31 territorial commissions and assigned numbers to the voting stations. The LPR’s territorial election commissions will form 461 local election commissions.   The Lugansk People’s Republic acceded to Russia on September 30, 2022 following the unification referendum.*i*v